Tuesday, July 29, 2008

So much going on -- a roundup!

My girlfriend Stacey and I have blogged about our Comic-Con experiences here (my panel) here (the C-Con sights - OMG!) and here (my own account - not as thorough as Stace's!). They're all on my message board, along with pictures, and I can tell you already that I'll be back next year. 


My story is called 'Remember the Blood' and I'm anxious to read the others. So check it out!

And please don't forget that Jocelynn Drake's first book, NIGHTWALKER is also now available. Want a new twist on the vampire genre? Looking for an epic far-reaching story, and characters to (literally) die for? You can buy it here.


Rachel V. Olivier said...

WOW! Have you been busy!

Danne Len Cole said...

Glad you had a good time! I just picked up Nightwalker and The Mammoth Book. :)