Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Boneyard Tour, Part Two

Guess where we're going today, folks? Yippee!

There's our girl...a distance shot because she's so purdy...

Getting a sense of how big she is yet? Or an idea of why she captured my imagination? More importantly, can anyone tell me why the heck I'm talking about her like she's a person? {wry g}

See? One really could slide down this puppy into a supernatural underworld. You just need the timing and know how. Remember what happened to Jo the first time. {shudder}


Chandra Rooney said...

It's a much steeper incline than I had pictured, but that more sense. Otherwise the sliding entrance wouldn't really work properly.

Harry Markov said...

Oh, that's cool. The slipper is really cool in that silvery giant kind of variation.

cat said...

That's a really big shoe. I would hate to see the person who wore it. ;)

In other news.. I really like your shirt!

KristyJo said...

Hi Vicki, I just got caught up on your latest blogs and wanted to say I really liked the boneyard pics. It's cool to get a visual of Joanna's aka Olivia)world.
I really enjoyed the excerpt too. Looking forward to more Light and Shadow fights.

Nancy said...

I just got onto your new BLOG and wanted to tell ya that I love your new site. The pictures of the boneyard are awesome. I love the Shoe...for I am totally all about the shoes, baby. I cannot wait for your next installment in the zodiac series.

Rhea said...

I love the massive slipper! It's so nice to have a visual. I do remember what happened to Joanna the first time down, not pleasant! You have an awesome imagination.

LoveRundle said...

Wow, that's so amazing! It's one thing reading about it in your book, but another to actually see it.

Anonymous said...

Next time, we need a picture of you sliding down the slipper!

Vicki Pettersson said...

Thanks, guys! I'm glad you feel the same way about the slipper. It was actually modeled after the footwear of a secretary who worked at YESCO when the Slipper was commissioned. Thank goodness she wasn't into ballet flats! {g}