Okay, so I screwed up. (Shuddup, peanut gallery, and just pretend you're surprised. {G})
When I announced the contest for the ARC of THE TOUCH OF TWILIGHT here last week, I forgot to mention that you needed to leave your entry on the message board (found on my sidebar) to get it. That's where we were giving it away. So people started posting here, and it certainly wouldn't be fair to disqualify them (you) because of my error, so I called up one of my best literary friends, the woman who helps me with and through every book, who is my support system and accountability partner rolled into one ...
And asked for my ARC back.
She has one. She hasn't read it yet. She's not that good of a friend anyway. Yes, that's right, I'm what was known in my childhood years as an 'Indian giver' (though no longer, because that's just not PC!). So I'm going to retrieve it (ie. pry it out of her greedy hands) this weekend when I'm in Dallas, and give it to...
{pixelated drum roll...}
All of the entries were so good, and I had such a hard time choosing between them that I left you all to the fates of the random number generator. I know. Life isn't fair. Welcome to Vegas. {wry g}
So, congratulations Pam, and if you can pmail me your snailmail address through the contacts page of my website, I'll get that book to you as soon as I steal it back. {bg}
Thank you all for entering!
ARC contest!*
Touch of Twilight ARC Giveaway Contest
Vicki's giving away an Advanced Reader Copy of her third novel, Touch of Twilight to one lucky member of this forum.
The theme of this contest is CONDUITS.
Here's what you gotta do to enter:
1~ Name 2 Agents from the series and their conduit. (Jo doesn't count.)
2~ Tell what conduit you would choose and/or design for yourself and why. Remember, Hunter says the relationship between the weapon and its owner is very personal.
Entries can be posted in this thread or sent via PM to me here at the message board.
Deadline is April 17th.
Good luck!
*Note: I'm a little late in posting this because Raven, who rules my BB, put this contest together. This freed me up to write, which I did, but I forgot to blog on this until now. I'm going to see if I can get her to extend the deadline for newbies to the board, but for now, don't lollygag! She has a heart of granite, that Raven. {eg}
My, it has been awhile, hasn't it?
Quietude is good, though. Unlike the rest of the dark fantasy world, I will not be attending the RT Booklover's Con next week. I'm staying home to scribble. The good thing is I'm grooving and the book is growing and Jo and Co. are talking to me. The bad thing is, this book is growing. I'm looking at its length, and how much story my instincts are telling me I have left, and I could easily double what I already have.
That. Is. Not. Acceptable.
So I'm foregoing my daily word count to drop back ten and punt, reassess and reorder, replot -- which is why plotting up front doesn't really work for me. The story changes the story, so what's the point? (Note to self: Do try to remember this next time, dude.)
In other news, I now have a bulletin board designed and run by one of my readers, Raven. She's amazing in that she's attentive to detail, knows how to spell {wry g} and kicks me off my own boards when she knows I have writing to do. She's also a relative expert on all things Zodiac (though I do get to trump her there on occasion {g}). I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out, and though it's pretty quiet right now, I expect that will change the closer I get to the release of THE TOUCH OF TWILIGHT in June. I try to hit it daily, mostly afternoons and evenings - as mornings are reserved for fresh words - so if you want to check it out, you can do so here.
And now I leave you with a quote from my favorite Transcendentalist, Emerson. He's long been one of my literary boyfriends, which makes sense since he's dead and was also allegedly gay. All my ex's are dead and gay:
Emerson: Do you not yet see, that, if the single man plant himself indomitably on his instincts, and there abide, the huge world will come round to him.
I was waiting to post here until Rachel gave the go-ahead, which she just did by announcing ROGUE debuted at 32 on the NYTimes extended list!!!!!!!! (That called for a bevy of exclamation points, don'tcha think?{g})
Congratulations, Rachel! I'm thrilled for your success, and that so many people are getting lost in Faythe's ways and world. (And can I say again? Goooo, Jace! {G})
Secondly, I did a recent interview that was a lot of fun with Harry, aka. Urban Fantasy Fan, and it can be found here.
Other than that, I'm scribbling madly, and not getting out much at all. I am, as my girlfriend Janu would say, "in the cave." What can I say? The best and most fertile ideas seem to spring up in the dark!
The signing on Saturday went great! I've even already heard back from readers who picked up the books and have finished the first...I can't tell what it does to my cold, black heart to hear that it only took one day for someone to read a book it took me two years to finish! No, really. I can't tell you. {big grin} Actually, I recognize it for the supreme compliment it is, and I love to get lost in a book that way, so to hear that my stories had someone putting aside their life for a few hours? Just awesome.
Melanie, at the BX, put together an amazing booth for me, and as I haven't gotten out to meet readers since my signing for HOLIDAYS ARE HELL with Lynsay Sands in December, it was a great way to take a break from the keyboard for a bit.
 Now I have to introduce you to Lon. I first "met" him online. He sent me a letter from Afghanistan after reading THE SCENT OF SHADOWS, and as fate would have it, his home base is Nellis. He is also being deployed two weeks from now, so it was fortuitous that my signing coincided with his stay here. I absolutely, clearly remembered him; his was one of the best emails I've ever received, and meeting him alone made the whole day worth it. It was totally unexpected, and to my mind, that's one of life's greatest pleasures - unexpectedly meeting great people. Thank you so much, Lon, for sticking around and talking with me, letting me know about your life and experiences, and letting me know the fate of that original book!*

*It is still in Afghanistan, and the names of all the servicemen who read it are printed on the front page. I'd love to have that page! I'd frame it.